• Admission Process
  • Aims and Objectives
  • Annual Report 13-14
  • Annual Report 16-17
  • Annual Report 18–19
  • Annual Report 19–20
  • Annual Report 20-21
  • Annual Report 21-22
  • Annual Report 22-23
  • Annual Report 22-23
  • Annual Report 24-25
  • Annual Sports Meet 15-19
  • Annual Sports Meet 22-23
  • Annual Sports Meet 24-25
  • Committee Members
  • Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat
  • Fee Structure 2020-21
  • Fee Structure 2022-23
  • From The Principal’s Desk
  • Holidays 2019-20
  • Management
  • Mandatory Public Disclosure
  • Science Exhibition 16-17
  • Sport
  • Student’s Strength
  • Swachchta Action Plan 22-23
  • The CBSE Board
  • The Founder
  • The Staff
  • Transfer Certificate
  • Video Gallary
  • Vision-Mission
  • Yagyavalkya Vidya Mandir CBSE English Medium School
    Vanana- Porbandar
    Annual Sport Day

    Annual Report 2016 – 17

    A very warm and hearty good evening to one and all present in this august gathering. Honarable Chief Guest Shri Arunabh Bose, DIG, Commanding officer Air Enclave Sir is also an ace helicopter pilot and qualified flying instructor Guest of Honor (1) Captain B. N. Ladwa (2) Beloved Diwali Masi Founder Trustee of Y.V.M Honorable Managing Trustee. Trustee Shree Dinesh Lodhari, Shree Suryakant Joshi and all the I/C of Various Pre Primary branches. my collegue, Principal from different schools, parents of my dear students.

    It really gives me an immense pleasure to welcome you all to this long awaited. colourful evening.

    Annual Day is a time for rejoining, reflection and resolution 2017 is a mile stone year for us marking the completion of a glorious 15 years in serving the cause of education.

    We take pride in tracing our journey and presenting a fleeting glimpse of our achievements.

    I am before you to present the Annual Report. I would like to draw your attention towards the general achievements of the school for the year 2016 – 17. The progress of any institution depends on a committed faculty, supportive staff, A large pool of resources and corporative parents. Like every year my staff began work with renewed vigor & vitality when the session began on 3rd April 2017.

    Academic Achievements
    I am proud to say that this year we got 100 % result in AI S.S.E. The total students appeared for the Board exam were 22 and
    A1 – 2 – Above 90
    A2 – 5 – Above 85
    Ms Hinal Odedra scored 10 CGPA made all of us proud.

    Co & Extra curricular Activities

    To give an exposure to the inherent potential of the students and for the all round development of their personalities, Inter House, Co and Extra curricular activities were carried out throughout the session including debate, ex tempore, declamation, Quiz, fancy dress competition, Poem recitation, story telling Good Handwriting, field Trips, Group patriotic song card making.

    The credit of this success goes to the hard work, devotion and dedication and coordination of the house master, Ass. House masters and students as well.
    In Preprimary the activities are
    (1) Science Experiment (water)
    (2) Good Handwriting Competition
    (3) Story Telling
    (4) Coffee with Mothers
    (5) Project talk :- Summer Season
    (6) Coloring Competition
    (7) Tree plantation Day (Green Day)
    (8) Trip (Railway Station)
    (9) Science Experiment (sound)
    (10) Rhyme Competition
    (11) Janmastami Celebration
    (12) Teachers Day Celebration.
    (13) Soup & Pulav Day
    (14) Helpers Day (Competition)
    (15) Germination of seed (Project talk & live)
    (16) Salad Day
    (17) Memory Game (Competition)

    The school is imparting education but not at the cost of our rich tradition and culture. Celebration like National Festival, Guru Purnima, Janmastami,Teachers Day are organized to inculcate the ideals of our rich cultural heritage in the minds of our students.

    Examination Reforms by CBSE

    CBSE has brought about a paradigm stiff in the examination system. They have announced the Remodeled structure of examination, Extensive session with teachers and of students were carried out 100 % syllabus will be followed from the current session removing the semester system.

    Class Assembly

    The school aims for the holistic development of each and every student. There may be some hidden talent in every student To provide opportunity and to extract the hidden potential to each child from each class conducts the News, throughs activities boost up their confidence.

    Workshops :- Our school has organized
    (1) Capacity Building Programme for class X mathematics Mrs Poornima Principal Anand Vidya vihar, Vadodra and Ms. Chandni Lakhani P.G.T maths Teacher from Jamnagar were deputed from CBSE Pune Centre of Excellence in our school as a Resource person 23rd and 24th Jun 2017.
    (2) I attended Interactive session with the chair person of CBSE on 26th Aug at Gandhinagar Aggression in school children at Anand Niketan, on 19th Sep 2017 at Ahmedabad.
    (3) Capacity Building in program Ms. Sheela and Mrs. Kusum.
    (4) Ms Lata Iyer as a Resource person professional trainer. [3rd oct to 5th oct 2017]

    Sports Achievements in 2016 – 17
    Khel Mahakumbh
    Jahnvi Dhol stood 1 and 2 Skating 1000m, 500m (District level U – 14)
    Deven Jungi stood 2 and 3 Skating 1000m, 500m (District level U – 14)
    Utsav Badarsahi stood 3 Skating 1000m.
    Basketball U-14 Stood III Rank at District Level 2016 – 17 and Wrestling District Level Khel Mahakumbh U – 14. Parth Sodha stood 1st
    Congratulation to all the girls !!
    Athletic Khel Mahakumbh (2016 – 17) U – 17 Boys
    (1) Jay Lodhari of class 10th stood 1st in High Jump
    (2) Surabh Kotecha of class 10th stood 3rd in shot put
    (3) Simran Rathod std 4th stood 3rd and received bronze medal
    Karate District Level Competition
    Simran Rathod Stood 3rd from 4th in class 4 Karate at District level.

    Inter School Competition

    Inner wheel club competition

    (3) Navy day Celebration, Naval School at Bokhira
    (Interschool Competition)

    Our school also participated and went to Veraval Aditya Birla public School in English Poetry Recitation competition, Sufi song, Painting Competition
    Various Branches 2016 – 17

    Before I conclude I must thank to the Chief Guest DIG Arubh Bose Shri Ashok N Jungi our M.T. for accepting our request to come over here for blessing and encouraging our little artist.

    I offer my gratitude to Shri Dinesh Lodhari and Shri Suryakant Joshi for your persistent motivation encouragement and your unstinted support in whenever and wherever necessary. I extend my hearties thanks to the members of school Managing Commute.

    Mrs Kagda as a parent , Mr Dharmendra Singh Principal of Kendriya Vidyalaya , Mr Gondaliya Principal of Navodaya Vidyalaya , Mr Shukla as a parent.
    For taking keep interest for the upliftment and smooth functioning of the Institution.

    Std : 8
    “We are made to fly children like to fly !
    What we have to do is to make the children dream
    If you can dream it ………………………………………
    You can do it ……………………………………
    As someone so rightly said, “In the right formation the flying power of many wings can achieve twice the distance of any bird flying alone”.
    We thank Almighty for bringing together the right people at the right time endowed with unique strengths & talent united by a common cause.
    Last but not the least, I appreciate the hard Work Coordination, devotion dedications spirit, discipline and whole hearted efforts of our teaching and Non – teaching staffs and students as well with whom they work.
    I hope that they will always work with the same spirit to work with the same spirit to raise the standard of our school higher and higher each day.
    I thank you very much for giving me a patient hearly.
    Thank You
    12th Jan 2018